Thursday, March 22, 2007

Geeks Get the Girl - Top 3 Vacations Spots for Geeks Looking for Romance

There are a lot of sexy hot travel destinations, but if you've got better things to do than work on your abs and your tan 7 days a week (like keep your blog current, obsess over your web stats, play World of Warcraft, etc), then those hot spots could leave you feeling mighty cold when you step off the plane and into an episode of the Real World.

If you're single, part of the allure of going on vacation is hooking up with an awesome foreigner for some fun times and perhaps even a little IM'ing once you get back home. But let's face it; if think you're going to jet off to Brazil or Hawaii stand out among the masses of tanned hard bodies, you're really slimming down the odds achieving that perfect vacation.

I don't know about you, but I prefer to go on vacation to have a great time, not to come back with a complex. Besides, I don't want to get sand in my laptop and I'm sure as hell not going to go a week without my G5. There are places in the world where a geek can go and have a heck of a good time, enjoy the company of like minded people, and even have a decent conversation with a good looking, intelligent companion.

Amsterdam: If you haven't been to Amsterdam, get there ASAP. The fact that just about everything is legal there isn't what's so great—it's the fact that because it is, everyone is really down to earth and open. A lot of the coffee shops have high speed internet access and unlike Starbucks, people actually talk to other people so it's a good possibility that you'll meet new and interesting people on your travels. Plus, it rains a lot there so no one expects you to have a Coppertone body.

Queensday is a great time to head to Amsterdam if you're looking for a festive party where you'll have the opportunity to meet lots of fun-loving people. The party starts on April 30th and doesn't end until the next evening. Another good time to go is during the 3-week Holland Festival between May 29th and June 24th. Prepare to be up to your neck in of culture, visual arts, theater—and all with an avant-garde slant.

Sweden: Yes, Sweden. Though you may not have heard much about Sweden, this is little country is a geek's paradise. The 2005 book "Flight of the Creative Class" states that states that "Sweden is the most creative country in Europe and is positioned to attract the top talent in the important and emerging creative class – which is defined as scientists, designers, writers, IT nerds, and other hard-working brains."

Not only that, but there is a lot good music coming out of Sweden—progressive music, punk, death metal, and all sorts of other emerging bands. There are even a quite a few nude beaches in Sweden and next door in Denmark, nude bathing is accepted just about everywhere.

Ireland: Just about every geek, nerd, and role playing obsessive has harbored some sort of affinity for the lore of Ireland at some point or another. It's not going to be Middle Earth reincarnated, but when you get there, you won't be disappointed.

Definitely get there for St. Patrick's Day festivities in Dublin if possible which is celebrated between the 15th and 19th of March. When 1.5 million people are out in the streets partying to Celtic beats and drinking ale, it's sure to be a good time. Then in June there's the Dublin Writer's Festival and soon after the Dublin Pub Crawl where you get tour around with a bunch of literary and pint drinking fanatics through the pubs in downtown Dublin with literary connections.

If you're like me and into vacations where you can experience some culture, festivities, and may actually meet some really cool people, check into these geek-friendly locales. Instead of paying online for your European hotels, go to a place like EuroBookings where you don't actually pay first, but reserve the best price online—that way if the rates go down between now and your stay, you'll have more money to spend on pints, coffee, and good food.

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